Palm Springs California Area Real Estate

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Why You Should Never Be Home When your House Is Shown

Think about this for a second. No, really think about it! When you are buying a house you want to walk around the property and check it all out for yourself. You know what you like or don’t like. You are smart enough to ask questions if you don’t see something or don’t understand something.

Oh yes, I know as the seller you know your house forwards and backwards. You can – or think you can –point out all the really good features! But in the end you are in the way. Sorry to be blunt but it is just the truth. The buyers and the agents don’t want you there! It is not because they are going to open every drawer or look behind the sofa – or even talk bad about you. However, the buyer and their agent do need to converse freely about the pros and cons of the property for the buyers unique circumstances. This showing is make it or break it time for your sale so don’t blow it!

You may know a lot about your house but you don’t know this! So please – take the dog for a walk, run your errands, go to the post office, go grab a cup of coffee but please – we really need you to go! It will only take 15 minutes. Yes, that’s right with just a few
rare exceptions - the showing of your home will take between 12 and 15 minutes. Surely you can find something else to do for those 15 minutes!

Later….yes, much later ......if the buyer decides your home is the one then that is the right time to meet them and show them what is special to you about the home. You are paying the commissions to the agents for many reasons but one of those reasons is so that they can impartially “sell” your property to a prospective buyer.

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