Buying a new place is a very exciting time in every ones life. In fact, if you are not excited please check your pulse! You want to ask a million questions, you want to see as many places as possible and you want to share it with your friends and family.
On the surface getting in the car and going through a bunch of houses seems pretty simple and straight forward. The truth is that looking at Real Estate takes concentration. It is a big decision that will impact your life for many years to come. It is crucial that you think about the elements of the purchase that are most important to you. Your “must have” list and your “do not want” lists are just the starting point. Once you are looking at properties that closely match your needs and wants is when you must pay the most attention.
There are a hundred little things that can make a big difference in the quality of life you will enjoy once you make a place yours. Where does the sun come up? Is the neighborhood a quiet one? How will you live in the house? Is the laundry close to the bedrooms? Is the kitchen too big or too small for your cooking needs? Does the master closet seem cramped?
While friends and family may have the best intention are they really going to know the exact requirements you have? More to the point are they going to be a help or a distraction? It is unlikely that they will have the same taste as you. It is equally unlikely that the things that are important to you will be the same things that seem important to them.
Over the years I have seen one or two “tag along” people who were incredibly dedicated, invested and helpful in the process. These were the exceptions to be sure. More often than not I have seen them hinder the process and cause you – the buyer- to miss the finer points of a property. Your Realtor, needs your attention to both convey what is important about the property and to hear your feedback. Extra people are rarely helpful in that process.
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