A new year - full of Promise, full of choice - what will your choices be?
Some call them resolutions - some call them goals but whatever you choose to call them they are, in the end, choices.
For me personally, I have opted to just aim for one choice. I think it will filter down into every part of my life so that is why I think it is the only choice I need to make.
My choice for 2018 is to be positive. When confronted with negativity I will offer a positive response. If the person or event or situation remains negative I will separate myself from that and move back into a positive space. I have no inherent or moral obligation to support negative thoughts and actions by anyone
I started in small ways already. All those alarmist emails that flood my in box from people selling fear and negativity - be it politics or otherwise - Totally blocked from my email account. Social media negativity - block/unfriend/un-follow whatever it takes to not see that. We all know about plenty of negative things in the world. This is not about hiding your head in the sand it is about embracing the positive and using positive energy to take steps forward, no matter how small, toward positivity.
Lifting up others to be their highest and best selves starts with me doing the same thing for myself.
Happy New Year - I know it will be Great because I have a plan to make sure it is!
With a wish for all good things in the coming new year!