Palm Springs California Area Real Estate

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Prepping Your Home For Sale

Home For Sale
Preparing Your Home To Sell Properly Can Be The Best Investment You Make.

First impressions make a significant impact on a buyer's decision-making process!

Once your home goes on the market, it becomes a product for sale.  Home Styling or Staging simply allows you to highlight the best of your home (product) and de-emphasize its flaws. It's not about decorating or actually turning your home into a model but ALL  about appealing to the broadest possible range of prospective buyers. The goal is to eliminate the obstacles and to  make people feel like they could actually live there. Much of this is simply done if you just  "neutralize" the whole house.

Most of the following things you can do for little or no expense but will put a home in prime showing shape. Remember how you felt that last time you went to a store that was poorly run and the merchandise poorly displayed. You probably left without buying anything and probably vowed to never return. Don't let buyers feel that way about your home! Even if it is not the perfect fit for a particular buyer leave them with a good impression! They may know someone else ready to buy.


Clear out closets and clutter— give away or pack up toys, linens, and nick knacks anything and everything you will not be using in the next three months is a perfect candidate!  De-personalize the home by removing photos, mementos, and all worn and dated items. Is there a wall or a spot or two where some touch up paint could really help? Did you let one of the kids paint their room purple? Now is the time to go back to basic off white.  Storage boxes neatly tucked away in a garage or basement look like you mean business and help save you time when you really do move.


Go out to the curb and walk back into your home. Look for things that are not up to par.  Does the bush under the window need a trim?  Is the doorknob loose? Does it need to be polished? Focus most on the most visible and popular areas of the home first—the entry, kitchen, living room, master bedroom, and family room or den.


Use plants in colorful pots or some baskets and dried arrangements  to fill in empty spaces,  Set the dining room table with attractive linens, dishes, and stemware,  look at  home and garden catalogs for little details on primping up the home. Arrange just a few books on the book shelf, try angling some pieces of furniture slightly and make sure  furniture is about 4 inches to 6 inches from the wall.  Just don't lose sight of the fact that you are going for the generic, neutral look and .....Less is so much More!

When you are serious about selling you must:

1-Trim trees, prune shrubs, and make sure the lawn is mowed and watered regularly.
2-Hire a professional service to clean the home, including the carpets and the windows.
3-Use as much natural light as possible. Leave lamps on in dark rooms or corners.
4-Make  all functional repairs—fix dripping faucets, sticking doors, and broken fence rails.

Increase your Net Increase your Net

Even if you do nothing else the 4 things listed above will make you money.  Time and again I have seen buyers fall in love with a property that actually did not exactly match their needs. SO why did they love it and buy it?  Because it was clean light and bright and appeared well cared for. Huge pluses for any buyer!

Selling your home is like selling any product. You want to maximize the appeal of that product. You can spend a lot of money but you do not have to. However, you CAN and WILL maximize your profit  if you follow the four MUST do's listed above.


The PSAGENT team is happy to provide any home seller, in our area,  with our complimentary 26 point home value inspection. We will walk thru your property, prepare a written report of our suggestions to prepare your home for sale and leave it with you. No pressure no obligation.  We are happy to help. Take the guess work out of your sale.

Call us at 760-408-5300 or email us at to schedule your appointment today.

Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells, La Quinta, Indio, Desert Hot Springs  are our service areas.

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