Palm Springs California Area Real Estate

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Identity Theft

Another Reason for Title Insurance...
Identity Fraud

We read all about it. It's in the newspapers, on the news, and on the internet. High profile people becoming victims of identity fraud. You think it could never happen to you. Right?

Think again. Identity fraud can happen to anyone."Identity fraud" is one of the fastest growing types of financial crimes in America with almost a 1,000,000 victims each year! These crimes are mostly against average working people. I even know a lawyer who it happened to and even he struggled to clear it all up. Experts estimate the cost of this type of crime is over $100 billion annually.

PROTECT YOURSELF FROM IDENTITY THEFT! Identity Theft occurs when someone wrongfully uses your personal identification to obtain credit,loans, services, even rentals and mortgages in your name. They may even commit crimes while impersonating you!


Be careful of "Dumpster Diving" Make sure that you do not throw anything away that someone could use to become you. Anything with your identifiers must be shredded before throwing away..

Be careful at ATM's and debit card machines. Onlookers can get your "Pin Number" and get access to your accounts.

If you are still using paper checks get new orders of them delivered to your bank not to your home address.

Do not put checks in the mail from your home mailbox.Drop them off at a U.S. Mailbox or the U.S.Post Office. Mail theft is more and more common. With color printers and laser printers it is easy for people to forge new checks or even change existing ones.

Cancel all credit cards that you do not use or have not used in 6 months. Personally I ask my bank for a new debit card with a new number each year. You'd be surprised at the things you set up on auto pay and forgot about. Plus, who knows who else might have the number.

Put passwords on all your accounts and do not use your mother's maiden name. Make up a fictitious word.

To avoid problems with mail theft get a post office box or a locked mailbox,if you possible.

Do not carry any identifiers you do not need. Don't carry your birth certificate,social security card,or passport,unless necessary. If you have cards credit/membership/ID cards you won't be needing for a period of time leave them in a safe place at home.

Memorize social security numbers and passwords. Decline to give your
social security number for routine office visits to doctors, dentist vets - they always seem to ask but they do not really need it.

Do not put your credit card account number on the Internet unless it is encrypted on a secured site. Just because a company has an internet site does not mean you can trust them with your credit card information. Use trusted providers.

Monitor all your bank and credit card statements from every source every month. Check to see if there is anything that you do not recognize and call about it right away. Don't put it off. Often times there are time limits on reporting suspected fraud.

Try to review your credit report at least twice a year. If you see anything that appears fraudulent, immediately put a fraud alert on your reports.

REAL ESTATE: Your title insurance policy will protect you against hidden risks that may not be discovered prior to the issuance of your title insurance policy. Probably the best feature of title insurance is that it pays any covered loss sustained from such a defect in your title. The one time premium you pay covers you and your heirs for as long as you or your heirs own the property.

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