Palm Springs California Area Real Estate

Monday, May 10, 2010

Save your Home - Get Help Now!

Dramatic words but these are tough times. Many people are finding that they are in a place they never thought they would be - in Danger of losing their home.

As an Real Estate Agent I see this and talk with people everyday who have some sort of issue with their home loans. Many home owners need help right away but are afraid to call attorneys because of the cost.

In times like these there are some that would take advantage of you. It is hard to know who to trust. I have seen many foreclosure prevention scams come across my desk.

Recently I became aware of the a non-profit organization called Neighborhood Assistance Corporation Of America. NACA for short.

This organization offers, for no charge, a program that will help you analyze your problem and see if you need a loan modification, a refiance or a restructuring of your loan. They will even look for things that were done incorrectly in your initial paperwork.

As I said they do this all for free. Your requirement is to attend one two hour introduction session. Then the balance of the work can be done on the phone or online.

I have gone over their materials that they provided to a client of mine and was very impressed.

I have long urged people not to fall for scams that require upfront payments and absurd promises that they will do all the work and you will be debt free. With NACA I seemed to have found the real deal. Go to their website by clicking on the icon above and see what you think.

If any reader has had a bad experience with NACA I would like to know as so far I have only seen and heard good things.

Keep in mind any of the legitimate option to save your home, restructure a loan or reduce your payments will require paperwork. However, NACA has that all neatly detailed in their materials for you.

As always if you have questions about Real Estate in the Palm Springs California area contact Michael Layton.

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